Business Strategy
Right On is a clothing retailer specializing primarily in jeans. We have a network of around 500 outlets nationwide in a variety of locations including shopping centers, inner-city street-level stores and major railway station shopping centers, as well as power centers and larger stores in outer suburban areas. Our corporate mission is to supply jeans that provide both comfort and enjoyment, with a wide range of products to suit all ages.
Jeans that provide both comfort and enjoyment
with a wide range of products to suit all ages.
At Right On, we are constantly redefining our role and challenging ourselves as a leading jeans retailer to change and evolve in line with the rapidly changing world around us.
Right On specializes in jeans
Today’s consumers have access to modern and functional shopping centers, as well as online shopping direct from any smartphone. As a result, the old discounting-based business model of offering huge quantities of stock as cheaply as possible no longer resonates with purchasers. At Right On, we see ourselves as a jeans-focused specialty shop. As such, we strive to nurture lasting partnerships with selected brands with a strong emphasis on delivering value to our customers in the form of high-quality products tailored to the demands and expectations of the marketplace.